Sunday, 19 January 2014

Emails...they come in thick when I wake up!

Dear Mellissa Evans,

Why is it, that every time I post a topic. My phone buzzes with an email from you. You seem to think every post on this (news media) blog is about you. In fact, you recently stated in court that this whole blog was about you.

Please lady, don’t flatter yourself. The truth is………………

Yes, you are a malicious mother. I assisted your ex-husband in the Napier court because of your behavioural issues ie: you’re a liar (sorry there is no pill you can take for that).

The Napier Judges have respect for me, as I do for them. That is because I tell them ‘as it is’ (the truth because I have no alliance with either you or your husband) and they know I see things they do not. That is the relationship we have- trust. Other Judges sitting in courts around New Zealand will slowly learn this too (perhaps at the expense of their reputations).

Mellissa, don’t worry your feeble little mind. It is not you who is being sued. That’s not to say you should be.  You’re a ‘benefit bludger’ with no skills. How could my lawyer get enough money from you to buy my husband a Ferrari? You couldn’t buy us air freshener.

However, let me give you a little bit of advice (god knows I am good at that). Don’t ever annoy someone with more money or networking power than you. If you take a look at DOTCOM it is not panning out too well for the New Zealand Government.

You lost custody because of what YOU did, not what I did. Step back, take a look at yourself in the mirror. You have potential, but it is you who holds yourself back. Not me. I publicly scrutinise Judges, I take responsibility for that. This is what my life is, not yours. They are big boys and girls, they can defend themselves if they chose to do so. I am very successful in my career. I left home at 16 years old and lived on the streets of Australia and New Zealand (I have this thing called ‘life experience’, which is more than any Judge out there). I am a survivor of domestic violence. I have studied at Universality level, I am about to graduate with a second degree and I have the best children and husband the world could possibly offer. I speck three languages. I have friends whose yachts, I cruise on in the Sydney Harbour. I have two companies (in different countries) and friends earning millions. I am very ‘complete’ (as you like to put it) with myself. I am proud of what I do. Equally I am proud of the people I support. THAT INCLUDES FATHER RIGHTS GROUP and anti-Domestic Violence groups. My company works against child sex trafficking at an international level.

Guess what! you could be as successfully too, if you weren’t so bent on revenge against people. It’s called ‘empowerment’ and ‘confidence’. God help us all!

Note; To my readers, Mellissa Evans is a mother who would repeatedly obstructed contact and lied in order to use her children as ‘revenge’ against her husband. The father tape recorded all interactions with her and was successful in court. He now has custody of the three children and she only has access. She blames me for this (hands up who’s surprised?).

I do not live in New Zealand (in fact, according to my lawyer I am country-less due to the amount of country hopping I do- I never knew that!), therefore I can name the parents. After all, no person in one country could possible comply with the laws of a country they do not live in! New Zealand laws are not universal.  

If Mellissa contacts me again I will tell you where she lives and her phone number.

 With that said, the real fun now begins. Guess what….the Family Court has a secret (oh my gosh who knew)! And I am going to tell you what it is.

Kindest Regards

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