Thursday 3 May 2012

Oh dear...At the start of 2012 I released my book Who's Judging the Judges'. It was an exhaustive seven year study into the performance of New Zealand District Court Judges. The outcome was not pretty.
Their inconsistency, arrogance, inability to follow the basic concept of laws, the inability to follow procedural laws, the flawlessness in an inability to read, write and listen. The corruption through blatant disregard to truth and justice. The distribute they bring the concept of court, law and evidence into.

The Family Court Judges who get up to mischief behind closed doors at preventing children from seeing parents (mainly fathers, but they will abuse women to make it look like they aren't bias). The protection orders they hand out like lollies on zero evidence and/or hearsay of the most extreme.
The marital property in which they give out over 50% (in the range of 60-70%) to women and less to the males- looking at you John James Dashwood Strettell.

Readers may also want to check out this blog
And remember Family Court Judge's if any lawyers try to present Peter Burns as case law- it means the lawyers are desperate.

Oh and lets not forget how gullible they are. In court you win when your the better liar. Isn't that right Judge's.
It would also seem my findings are shared by others

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