Wednesday, 27 November 2013

just a wee giggle......

Even the criminal world know Judge Emma Smith needs medication....

"It's okay," said Judge Smith. "I'm just mumbling to myself. I do that sometimes." 
"I'm on medication for that," Morehu replied. "You might need some yourself, Miss."


Sunday, 24 November 2013

....described by one cyber security expert as "mind-boggling"

Its amazing how blind people are to child sex abuse. A house that was raided in Indonesia recently. Ended with a Male being arrested on a large number of charges related to distributing child porn.
His wife (with three children in tow) had no idea what he was doing! Yet his 'office' had several computers, a stream of wiring that could go around the world twice and equipment that no normal person would have unless they were doing something illegal. Her response "He told me he fixed computers and had an internet business". NO, a person with that much equipment is hiding something. You don't need to bounce through several different servers to do simple computer stuff!

What's really scary, is there is a group of New Zealanders secretly campaigning to have the legal age for sex dropped to 14 years.....geee legalising Paedophile- Only happens in NEW ZEALAND.

Friday, 22 November 2013

Thursday, 21 November 2013

The 'A-Cult' of New Zealand

What a traumatic experience it is to be surrounded by Family Court Lawyers. There was just no escape.

It's going to take me the weekend to recover!

So I will post a run down Monday- Tuesday.

Plus, with it being Emma Smiths week. Those elusive recordings are READY!

When they first landed on my desk, I sent them to an Australasian Law firm whom I trust and deal with. They have held them and then sent them to a couple of 'Anonymous'  members who have been  editing out the mother and child's name and picking out all the 'lude' behaviours and comments of Emma Smith that are just plain disturbing.

Good news, the Family Court are happy for all this to be released! For some strange reason they think it will make then look good- ummm yeah right.

I am also going to cover another post about Judge Laurence Ryan. Be afraid families- be very afraid. This guy has an agenda and it is not a nice one. He is highly dangerous and very abusive person. I have since learnt more about this guy and it is shocking. HE is very very very CORRUPT.

Interestingly enough, a NUMBER of Family Court Lawyers DO NOT LIKE HIM. Plus he has ZERO leadership skills- my three year take on him in this role has been further reinforced.

I have some light reading from Emma Smith I will put up in the next few hours.
I am very disappointed Emma Smith didn't want my sub-headings from my previous post.


Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Day two of the 'Anti-family Conference'

I realised last night I should have set up a twitter account and done this report live!

I am hoping to run into Judge Juice I mean Judge Druce today, I have a few things to say to him.

Like....... HAHA I am always right!..,..the Dunedin Mother case my readers have been following is still obstructing access (like I  said she would), still engaging in Psychological Violence against the child (despite Judge Druce telling her off for it), still sending abusive text messages to the Father (because leopards don't change their spots) and the beautiful thing I enjoy the most is now rubbing Judge Druce's face in it! Along with David Polson's of course.

And yes people she is a teacher and among YOUR children. In other countries she wouldn't be allowed near a dog, BUT in New Zealand they give abusers free access to children.

sigh... you would think people would at least try to prove me wrong, but alas they end up proving more how right I am.

Plus it is all off to court AGAIN. So lets sit back and watch the mother spend a further thousand and thousands of dollars on her jealousy and fishing game attitude.

I have never seen a person so obsessed with their ex-partner before! Its really creepy!


Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Breaking News

Siobhan McNulty is at the Family Court Law Conference!

Wow wonder what her and Emma Smith will talk about...perhaps this?

'I accept if father got animals to lick his penis'. Quoting Emma Smith

Anyway that is not my post for today, this was...

So this might be Emma Smiths week. Here are some of her famous words. Straight from HER OWN WRITTEN JUDGEMENT.

"Although father conceded he looked at child pornography websites it didn't necessarily mean that he did".

Ummm I hate to be the bearer of bad news BUT an admission is pretty much a slam dunk!

Emma Smith must be on some really good mediterranean drugs!

At this point I am going to have a ‘spearing match’ with the New Zealand Police over this one.

I have to deal with police from a number of countries and well basically New Zealand ranks as having the worst, most corrupt and poorly trained police in the developed countries.

I also know personally a number of New Zealand ex-police and the stories they can tell you of what really goes on is hair raising. There are a couple of good ones- like my Auckland coppers, whom I have frequent contact are awesome. They have seen this blog and fully support it (most guys have been through the whole ex- who- refuses- contact –with- the- children. So they know what goes on in the Family Court). I have a cousin who is a Police officer, but a rural one and he’s a nice guy.

I have even studied the ‘Police Studies’ that all officers go through after police collage. So I know a thing or two. I gave up about six months ago photographing the Christchurch Police who I would unequivocally see at various times doing their drug deals. To many and it gave me a head ache.

I also know a thing or two about international child abuse as I do voluntary work for a number of organisations in the detection and prevention of child trafficking.

So I find this interesting. Firstly this father has been down loading child porn from the internet (he conceded it). And of course that always leaves a trace. Even just Looking at a website leaves a trace. Eventually the federal agencies DO catch them and are watching them!

People like this father are NOT curable! Recently in Australia the police have stated that the sex offender programmes are NOT working and participates are re-offending. Sex offending is a mental illness that has NO cure.  There is NO programme that is 100%.

So I have done some digging and this father and he has not stopped!

So where are the police?

The Police are meant to be fighting ‘crime’ and detecting these sex offenders. Yeah right, they are two busy having affairs with each other’s wives, the CIB spend their shifts shagging each other in their cars and don’t get me started on how useless the SIS and GCSB are.

I made the mistakes once when I was having lunch with a Russian who casually asked me what NZ GCSB was up to. I said ‘oh chancing some animal rights activists’. He gave me this look that said don’t ever, ever tell anyone that- its plain embarrassing! I took that as a mental note.

So the NZ police need to get off their lazy fat asses and do some REAL crime work. I know it’s tough and it means actual work, they may have to put down their drugs for two seconds, but guess what- its real easy. This father cannot get his computer ‘professional cleaned’ everyday (which doesn’t work by the way, it is  still there). Guess what- NZ police, Child abuse IS a CRIME and you CAN arrest people for it. STOP MAKING EXCUSES. (I have more on this over the roast busters case as in two seconds a caught the NZ police lying in the case. Stay tuned to find out what lies they are telling now).

So I have contact a person I know who works in the federal area of detecting these types of crimes, handed over the fathers full name, address etc. AND now it’s just a matter of sitting back and hopefully they will nab him. They ARE now watching him. It is a sad day for New Zealand when the Private Sector has to do the public police sector's work for them.

It’s equally an embarrassing day when you have to contact Police OUTSIDE your own country to get some action on crime.

This is my personal ranking of police agencies. Australia have the best police, UK second (I liked the London guys), Philippines (their hearts are very much into it), Americans (God loves American, I love America!). I rate New Zealand police the second to last worst. They are only JUST above South Africa!
I am going to comment a bit more on the NZ police when I post about their involvement in the 'Roasted Busted' issue a little later on.


Monday, 18 November 2013

Teacher abuses own child and gets busted by the family court

Well, well, well

Stay tuned people I have a explosive post coming about another Teacher who go busted talking 'adult issues' with their child and got told off for it by a Judge. Also alienating the child (which she is still doing despite court orders, which is very disrespectful to be violating court orders) creating FAKE facebook profiles of the child in an attempt to use them to stop the child seeing their father AND I am going to allow everyone to follow a child support review. Because this mother also has children as means to get money and sadly due to the fathers retirement it's not going to end well for her. BUT it will be a fantastic laugh I can assure you. I could never understand why would you have children if you can't afford to support them. Especially when there are people out their who can afford them and are happy to have them. Seriously you do not want this person near school children! Her behaviour is the most disturbing you will ever see and hear.

"Your rather fluent in sarcasm, aren't you"

I have an office in Christchurch. It sits among a number of law firms (sadly). Every morning about 10 'ish', I go to a local café and have my morning Cappuccino. The staff know me that well they have it ready for me when they see me enter.
A number of lawyers also frequent this same café (sadly). A few even come here to have a nosey read of this blog.
The other day I was waiting in line for my Cappuccino and I hear this voice behind me say, "Your rather fluent in sarcasm, aren't you". I turn to see this lawyer with the stupid goofy idiot grin on his face. Now normally, I would give my "they can't find a dead body at the bottom of the ocean" look. But instead I replied- rather bluntly- with "When God give's you a talent you use it".
For some strange reason this lawyer took this as a signal that I want to have a conversation with him!
So this time I promptly gave him my "they can't find a dead body at the bottom of the ocean" look, grabbed my cappuccino and left.

I need a t-shirt that say' If your lawyer, 5km radius please- your invading my personal space'.


I am really looking forward to this conference. It is always a fantastic laugh to listen to Judges and Lawyers spin their 'crap' in a social gathering. I also look forward to coming back afterwards and tearing it all apart!

In particular it will be interesting to hear Judge Laurence Ryan. The Principal family Court Judge who gets all 'warm and fuzzy' over abusing and alienating children. Proceeded to threaten the farther in our Dunedin case
and has since gone on to THREATEN me, my FAMILY and my CHILDREN. You know, real mean don't pay for sex. I give Laurence three years in this role and either that 'gout' issue will get him or he will get sick and tired of me. Again- I am perplexed at how New Zealand makes it through a night when Judges are engaging in such immature behaviour.

Rumour has it, I am a topic of discussion. YEA! I just want to say how flattered I am. I personally do not want any of this to be all in vain. And I am now widely known amongst lawyers and Judges. I think it is important that Judges and Lawyers know, I go to bed at night with a very big grin on my face because somewhere a judge is 'shitting' himself over what dirty little secret they have that I have found out about.

I also think it is important for the Family law section to realise that this blog and others like it, is  rather tame considering. The reason Australian has a better Family Law system is because of such instances as this.,800435

In America this happens.,0,4913954.story

I really don't think any Family court Judge or Lawyer has any grounds to moan about a blog. At least your all still alive.

Since I am fluent in sarcasm I don't want to waste it. Judge Emma Smith is speaking at the conference. I think this is a perfect example of the Family Law section trying to put on a 'front' and make out everything is alright within the Family Law of New Zealand.
BUT it is not all fairies and butterflies.
Why and who on earth would have Emma Smith the very judge who has brought the New Zealand family law into it's biggest ever event of public scrutiny in the 30 years as a speaker?

Idiots, that's who.

So I am siting here think what the heck is this women going to say? Well I guess it is easy. So here is my take on subtitles that Emma Smith would use in her speech (with a touch of sarcasm).

EMMA SMITH takes the floor (or bellows through the floor)

Wow you love me, you really love me.

1. How to support paedophiles.

2. How to engage in shenanigans and colluding with other lawyers.

3. How to turn a court room into an opera house.

4. How to belittle professionals in a court room to the point they refuse to ever give evidence again.

5. How to support a Paedophile part two. Including giving them children.

6. How to lie to your superiors and how to lie in an investigation into your actions.

7. How to ruin your reputation and drag your children along for the ride.

8. How to get yourself booted out of a court.

And her conclusion is......

I wish to announce I am relocating to Syria. I feel I have contributed all I can to supporting and nourishing paedophiles in New Zealand. Syria offers me the opportunity to extended my horizons
I will be taking up the challenge of torturing even more children in a country that will fully support my endeavours. I have already offered my two daughters into an arranged marriage.


At which point Judge Laurence Ryan will approach Emma Smith, hug and kiss her. Congratulating her on her new adventure. Stating she will be sadly missed and announcing he is taking over her role as president of the 'I love paedophiles club'.


Thursday, 7 November 2013

Part two of Stephanie Helen Marsden

Part two……. so back to Stephanie Marsden and how ‘psychologically screwed up she is’

Stephanie Marsden is on a mission. She wants to stop all parents and children from seeing each other. She has no authority to do this. She has not meet these children, she was not there when the children took their first step, said their first word, nor was she present on their first day of school.

But, she has this delusional belief she can dictate a parent and child’s relationship.

She is just a plain nasty narcissist with no empathy or apathy for anyone. Especially children.

Recently my husband and I have been going through the process of international adoption. When we went to the orphanage there was about 20 children. We were faced with the dilemma of only being able to adopt one child. This made me feel sick! I took one look at all these children and I wanted to scoop them all up, take them home and buy them a pony! (every child should have a pony).

I felt like the worst person in the world!  How could I possible pick only one!

There was one wee girl who clearly had Down syndrome. She had the cuties smile that would melt any heart! I held her and gave her more cuddles I could humanely give!  I knew immediately she was the one. When it was time to leave I didn’t want to go, I cried at the thought my wee girl was going to be apart from me. Currently my husband and I ARE moving heaven and earth (and fighting the nastiest people on earth, including Stephanie Marsden and the Family Court) to have our wee girl with us! 

This is how Stephanie Marsden thinks when she walks into an orphanage…


If this was the year 1800, we could turn up to Stephanie Marsden’s house with pitch forks, drag her out of her house by her hair (she has none though!), put her up on a stack of wood and burn her….however this is 2013 and we are meant to be a civil society. So name and shame is all that is left to get accountability!

Again, you have to have serious mental issues and have been raised in a seriously demented environment to use a child as a weapon and alienate them from a parent.

Like the previous Dunedin Mother, becoming very famous from her court room video.

This Dunedin mother has gone to such lengths as putting up a FAKE profile on facebook in her own child’s name and then go on to blame someone else for it. Seriously? How pathetic and immature is that? Do people not realise that facebook have all your computer details? And when there are court cases they give them out! Seriously, this is very Psychotic behaviour! The major mistake by this mother is, the day she created the profile was a day the person she is trying to blame for it, was in transit! And would have no ability to be near a PC to create it! Lol…….nice try, but hey this is not just an act of harassment, but a criminal act.

Now, the MOTHER, of this Mother, really needs to have a good talk to her daughter. After all, the mother of this mother is being laughed at by her own peers over her daughter’s bizarre behaviour and ongoing lying. The question to ask now. Is this mother’s Psychotic behaviour a result of Environment or Biological factors?

The mother in this case has been caught straight out lying and manipulating in court. Who hasn’t seen the video recording of that case!  Major mental issues that one has, it’s just good she off loads her kids for other people to raise. God knows how they would turn out otherwise!

Stephanie Marsden is officially a child abuser. It really can’t be denied. But we may all make our own minds up.

For example; I don’t like Sigmund Freud or his work. In fact his ideas on child development is absolute utter nonsense. The guy admits to taking narcotics and it was rumoured him and his daughter were engaged in some incest! Many years ago when I completed my Psychology studies one of my tutors rung me and explained the only reason she gave me a B+ on my assignment was due to me not making any mention of Sigmund Freud work. Seriously? I thanked her politely and said I would remember it for next time. Yeah right! I would rather have the B+ and not mention that ‘nut’ work than degrade myself to an ‘A’ for mentioning it! And it think there are society’s devoted to his guys work- I guess every cult has it’s beginnings!

There are children out there who are in major distress over being alienated from a parent and Stephanie Marsden knows it. She knows children are crying, telling their lawyers they miss the other parent and siblings and it is plainly clear children are being abused and alienated. So what they hell is wrong with Stephanie Marsden? Simple, she is just heartless and has no conscious. Her mother raised her as a very vicious person. With no empathy and no Apathy. Cancer and Karama, cancer and karma!

Has anyone stop and considered how paedophiles and family court lawyers have similar traits and characteristic? Well I have.

Paedophiles                                                                                      Family Court Lawyers

Claim they ‘love the child’                                                            Claim ‘the best interest of the child’

Prey on the naivety and innocence of a child                            Prey on innocent children and naivety

Brain wash a child                                                                            Tell the child ‘everything’ brain wash

Engage in ‘grooming’ ‘alienation                                                   Alienate children

There is NO cure                                                                              There is No accountability/cure

Paedophiles support each other                                                   FCL all support each other, covering                                                                                            their  tracks

Paedophiles hide among organisations                                  Keep closed circles for protection/hiding

Use children for their own satisfactions                                 Use children for their own selfish gain

There’s properly more. But do you see the similarities and the patterns coming through? Is that interesting or what?

Being in court with Stephanie Marsden (aka child abuser) is really boring! As seen in this doodle.


Not only that Stephanie Marsden thinks her and her clients are above the court and said to a judge ‘Oh I don’t’ think my clients going to like that’

I think this is really rude. This is not the only Judge to tell Stephanie Marsden (child abuser) off. She has had three tell her to ‘stop abstracting access’, does she listen, no. She thinks she is above a Judge and Court. I look forward to Stephanie Marsden representing a client in the criminal court. Do you think she could say that to a sentencing Judge?

It’s not all Stephanie Marsden faults (99% is). The New Zealand Family Court is really gutless and pathetic. It was no ‘balls’. ‘Anonymous international’ have managed to access who’s registered for the NZ Family Court conference in November and a mass emailing is going around to all registered attendants with a message (in fact half a novel) about how gutless and pathetic the Family Court is.

The word has been spreading fast across international waters. With the UN complaint about the Family Court still very active.

I have a lot of information on how heartless and nasty Stephanie Marsden is. She recently had a go at the parents in this story......

Which was really disturbing to say the least. Who would do that? Well Stephanie Marsden would because to her it is all about abusing children and parents- nothing new.

Stephanie Marsden is a special type of evil, all in her own category. And I think it is about time her mother got involved!

There’s another thing I noticed about Stephanie Marsden that clearly further confirms the fact it is ‘all about the money’. Or perhaps some sort of jealousy thing? Stephanie Marsden had an absolute melt down over a parenting pick up their child in a Porche. True story. What in this world is wrong with a parent picking up their child in their work car? I bet hundreds of parents collect their child work vehicles. Well Stephanie Marsden gets really ‘snotty’ about it. She also likes draining her own clients of large amounts of funds.  I have had several people contact me to complain that she drained them significantly. If you’re a client of Stephanie Marsden don’t tell her you have deep pockets because she just goes on and on until she gets it all! Typical lawyer.

 I am currently make Stephanie Marsden’s life a living hell (far more than this post). I intend to do this the rest of her life in order to make her accountable for her actions. No person should ever be allowed to get away with child abuse.

I will post what is occurring to her, so others can also do it to their family court lawyers, Judges, counsel for child or even social workers.

I have a couple of other plans that work a treat to make their lives a little more difficult and I will share them too.

Now a few of her clients are also being named on various other blogs at present and I am going to give out some key words to ‘google’ so you can see more on Stephanie Marsden. Who her clients are and what child abuse they have been doing (including videos and tape recordings of it). Theirs pictures of them and their children and the best thing is an American Lawyer has been that outraged by the child abuse that he has taken full responsibility and looks forward to a raging dispute with Stephanie Marsden and her clients (personally I look forward to watching the tens of thousands of dollars her client will have to spend, international case are very expensive).

Family members and work personal of Stephanie Marsden and her clients are also starting to be notified about this unstoppable child abuse. And once again the media have got involved.



Part 3

More… one of Stephanie Marsden’s clients is wanted by an international federal agency for child pornography images. Stephanie confirms she is hiding him.


More tape recordings….

And let’s meet Stephanie Marsden’s daughters, her sister and other family members.


Why do all of her eldest daughter’s pictures contain a glass of alcohol? Is that the example/environment Stephanie Marsden raised her own children in? Does she have a drinking problem? Should CYFS be involved? Is Stephanie Marsden ok? Her family’s history of mental illness revealed.