Justin Thyme NZ©
c/- PO Box 218
April 2011.
House Of Representatives
Private Bag 18041
Wellington 6160
For the attention of: Matthew Louwrens, Clerk of the Social
Services Committee,
email: matthew.louwrens@parliament.govt.nz
Katrina Shanks, Chairperson, Social
Services Committee.
Subject: To Whom It May Concern, in support of
Mr. Graeme Axford’s petition relating to CYFS ongoing ‘modus operandi’, and the identified need for an independent
complaints authority empowered to hold CYFS Staff, Police and Judiciary
accountable where there is evidence that lawful process as intended by
parliamentary statute, has been abused, or applied recklessly, or used to
Select Committee members,
I write further to Katrina Shanks’
letter dated 23 March 2011 to petitioner Graeme Axford of 94 Omoto Valley Road,
Kaiata, Greymouth.
I am the author of “You Be The Judge©,
Pirates or Not?” and advise that conditionally I neither have any objection to
the book being submitted to the Social Services Committee in support of Mr
Axford’s petition, nor do I object to the book being used as a reference to any
events, happenings, or emotional trauma inflicted upon children and adults
within a family unit, provided that any reference refers to the paragraph and page
number of the book in order to keep
events and comments in context.
I do not authorise any text to be quoted
on it’s own followed by the author’s name, as to do so will encourage text to
be taken out of context resulting in mis-information.
For the avoidance of doubt, I confirm
the following:
1. “You Be The Judge©, Pirates or Not?” is
totally in line with, and is based on documented evidence which had been
submitted to Family Court, District Court (Criminal Trial), High Court (Appeal
Hearing), and High Court (Civil Suit). Same evidence, - same players.
2. The Commissioner for Children of the
day, Roger McClay was invited to view the evidence. The parents at the time
believing that McClay’s fiduciary duty would enable common sense to prevail.
Instead McClay clearly[1]
used his influence to motivate Police to lay criminal charges without any
balanced investigation wherein convictions would have left the children
parentless. McClay’s dishonest character has since been corroborated by his
being convicted of fraudulent deceit.
3. Dr. Bryan Gilling, PhD., researcher at
Victoria University studied 12 boxes of documents prior to the Civil Court Suit
and presented his view of CYFS conduct in the document entitled “The Gilling
Report.” That report was tabled in the High Court by Barrister Charles
Hirschfeld without the consent of his clients. It is likewise made available to
the Social Services Select Committee as evidence of the need for review of CYFS
conduct, as it is an independent professional review based on Court-tabled
documents. It is noteworthy that the concluding few pages of the Gilling Report
have never been made available to the parents in the matter despite repeated
requests for the same. It is reasonable to assume given the prevailing moods
and comments at the time that the document concluded with support for CYFS to
be sued. Given that business round table representatives and a senior member of
the judiciary decide what Court cases are good for the country and what cases
should not be permitted to succeed, and given the disclosures in para’s 7 &
8 below, it came as no surprise to discover that settlement offers under the NZ
Bill of Rights had been capped by the invisible panel steering the nation’s
destiny and so is limited to $6,000.00 (sufficient to cover basic fees of
Counsel) and since that offer was not accepted by plaintiffs, it was also no
surprise when Hirschfeld deliberately called no witnesses to corroborate the
plaintiffs’ allegations, hence the failed civil suit. It is noteworthy that
substantial legal aid was paid out to cover Hirschfeld and Gilling fees and
that Hirschfeld went on to become Legal Aid’s biggest customer. Consequently an
independent complaints authority will go a long way towards bringing transparency and a level
playing field to NZ’s justice and Family Court systems if the nation is to preserve at least some of it’s
independence for the benefit of incoming generations.
independent complaints authority will go a long way towards bringing transparency and a level
playing field to NZ’s justice and Family Court systems if the nation is to preserve at least some of it’s
independence for the benefit of incoming generations.
4. Case Law was established in 2007 by way
of judgment of 3 Court Of Appeal Judges in the case number CA358/07 [2007] NZCA 453. [This judgment outlines
the standard of conduct to be expected from CYFS given current legislation.]
5. Of
assistance to the Social Services Select Committee is copy of a letter dated 17
September 2007 sent to The Secretary,
The Law Commission. The letter is self explanatory and clearly shows that CYFS
conduct since the days of Roger McClay in the year 2000 had deteriorated significantly
by the year 2007.
6. Numerous
accounts of CYFS interventions in 2010, and 2011 and perusal of relevant
documentation clearly show that CYFS and the Family Court are still not
conducting themselves responsibly or within accepted ethics and there is a
desperate need for an empowered independent complaints authority to be
7. The
first reported meeting of wealthy ‘elitists’ conspiring to control the planet,
resolved in 1954 to conquer NZ by welfare, since the country did not lend itself
to being conquered by warfare. That group has become known as the
Bilderbergers. Many ‘Bilderbergers’ belong to the “Ă„merican” Council on Foreign
Relations (CFR) which occupies the inner core of the United Nations established
in 1945 having a hidden agenda of the ‘elite’ to control the planet. [Refer
Chapters 5, 6, 12, of “Truth Can Set Us Free.” ISBN 978-0-473-14496-8]
8. Former
CYFS CEO Peter Hughes does not deny that CYFS and the Family Court are in fact
United Nations vessels acting on NZ soil under diplomatic privilege. Such an
arrangement known only by those near the top of each related compartmentalised
administrative pyramid offers an explanation why the NZ High Court keeps no
records and falsifies it’s own statistics in relation to Appeals on grounds of
Abuse of Process, against the Family Court.
9. Item
7 above also offers an explanation why the Manager for Courts will not pay an
account tendered by a lay advocate who was approved by Judge Riddell to
represent a family at a week long Family Court hearing directed by the Court of
Appeal in CA358/07 [2007] NZCA 453. [For the benefit of the Select Committee, there
is a long standing tradition amongst members of the Law Society to discourage
lay advocates from intervening in the oath which barristers now affirm “to
firstly protect the integrity of the Court system, secondly to protect the
integrity of opposing learned counsel, then thirdly consider the plight of their
client.] Thus an empowered independent complaints authority would be a step in
the right direction if elected representatives genuinely seek to have the
justice system establish a level playing field.
Yours faithfully
Attached are electronic copies of;
(i) “You
Be The Judge – Pirates or Not”
(ii) “The Gilling Report.”
(iii) CA358/07
[2007] NZCA 453.
(iv) Letter to The
Secretary of the Law Commission.
(v) “Truth Can Set Us Free.”
[1] As evidenced by the prosecuting Officer and the assembled time line
of hard evidence and documentation therein.
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